Our drones play a crucial role in enhancing public safety by providing effective communication and timely information dissemination. In emergency situations, our drones can broadcast emergency alerts, traffic instructions, evacuation notices, and critical updates in real-time, enabling authorities and communities to respond swiftly and efficiently.


Currently, the FAA does not allow drone operations over non-participants without a special waiver. Waiver requests require more time, incur additional costs, and have no guarantee of approval. We foresee this changing in the near future with the popularity and integration of UAS technology rapidly increasing among global organizations.

The Federal Aviation Administration requires all commercial drone operators to be trained and Part 107 Certified. All PromoDrone Pilots In Command (PICs) are part 107 Certified operators and comply with all FAA laws and regulations. More information on FAA regulations can be found at: https://www.faa.gov/uas/commercial_operators/

Yes. Certain areas may require special authorization from the FAA to access or may be restricted completely. PromoDrone only operates in FAA compliant zones with required permissions. Our team members perform a pre -flight location check prior to accepting any campaign request to ensure we can operate in your requested location. Authorization requests must be made at least 30 days in advance of the scheduled launch.